Assurance of Answered Prayer
Why do we sometimes feel God doesn't hear our prayers? How to pray in a manner that we can be assured of answers at all times?What is prayer? What should we ask in prayer? Why to pray? How to pray? What are the conditions for receiving answers to pray? Attitude while...
Assurance of victory
Why do we sometimes feel God doesn't hear our prayers? How to pray in a manner that we can be assured of answers at all times? What does the bible say on victory? What is the purpose and source of temptation? What is temptation and sin? What are the steps of...
Assurance of Guidance
Why do we sometimes feel God doesn't hear our prayers? How to pray in a manner that we can be assured of answers at all times? What does the Bible say on Assurance of Guidance? What is our role to receive God’s promises? What role does God play? What is a key...
Assurance of forgiveness
Does your past haunt you? Does guilt stop you on your tracks. You can be forgiven - completely! You can get your fresh new start! What does the Bible say on Assurance of forgiveness? What is the process of forgiveness? What does God promise us? What is our...
Assurance of salvation
If you were to die today? Do you know where you will be? Even if you do know, are you sure about it? Is it true that am I going to receive eternal life, after I die? What is to be done to be saved? Like wise there are so many questions for which we don’t have any...
What is Holy Communion
What is the importance and relavence of Holy Communion today?What does it symbolise?¨What is Holy Communion (the Eucharist) ¨Holy Communion – History ¨Holy Communion - Today¨The Eucharist serves as a reminder that God nourishes us and loves us unconditionally. ¨It...
What is Baptism
What were the practices related to baptism from the Old Testament age. What Jesus and the New Testament teaches us about baptism.The word baptism comes from a Greek word that means: ¨“To plunge” or ¨“To immerse” (go under) ¨Baptism got introduced in Jewish culture as...
Knowing Gods Will
Why do we sometimes feel God doesn't hear our prayers? How to pray in a manner that we can be assured of answers at all times?What does seeking God’s will mean? What are the types of God’s will for you? Fulfilled will – completed through his Son Revealed will –...
God is loving but Just
Why do we sometimes feel God doesn't hear our prayers? How to pray in a manner that we can be assured of answers at all times? 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way;...
God is Holy
Why do we sometimes feel God doesn't hear our prayers? How to pray in a manner that we can be assured of answers at all times?What the Bible says Theme Verse How it impacts us Activity Be Holy as God is Holy The Spiritual Man vs. the Carnal Man God is Supreme For the...
God is Creator
Why do we sometimes feel God doesn't hear our prayers? How to pray in a manner that we can be assured of answers at all times? What the Bible says God is incomparable Created in God’s image Discussion Memory Verse God is the supreme creator. In the beginning God...
Spiritual Maturity
Just as we grow physically, we need to grow spiritually. How can we keep growing and maturing in Christ? ¨Types of growth Where are we heading? Which Spirit is in you? Test your stand Spiritual growth and its importance Immature and mature believers Steps to spiritual...
How to study the bible
This timeless book with measureless treasures - how do we unravel it's depths? Here are some quick tips to get started. Why should we study the bible? How should we teach the bible? The Inductive Approach –Inductive bible study – tips –Inductive bible study – an...
In His Steps
One of the first times I walked in the snow, it wasn’t as easy as I thought. I was then so grateful for those footprints of those who’ve gone before. They made it so much easier to take this walk. I prayed that I too will make footprints that will make it easy for...
Designing your life
Any successful project requires a design, a plan. How much more - something far more important - our life itself! A lady was taken by her daughter to see the “Daffodil Garden.” Here’s what she says. “Before me lay the most glorious sight. It looked as though someone...
Finishing Strong
We may not have had a great start in life. But we can finish strong. That's what really counts. When my son was around 7 years old he had a terrible accident. He was running across the street within our colony when a fully loaded car went over his foot. As he grew up...
Esther – Leader and Control
A unique perspective of leadership and control from the lives of leaders on the book of Esther - by Anand Pillai Esther 9:20-22 Then Mordecai recorded these events, and he sent letters to all the Jews who were in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, both near and...
7 Golden Promises for Joy
God's timeless promises are enough to bring joy to our hearts. Anand Pillai brings us 7 golden promises from the book of Philippians. 1.Positive Christ-like attitude - Phil 2: 5-8 2.Pride killed daily. - Phil 2: 5-8 3.Progressive value system Psalm 37:4 4.Perpetual...
7 Steps to Sustain Joy
Joy, unlike happiness is meant to last - through every situation. How can we sustain our joy. Anand Pillai brings us 7 steps 1.Positive Christ-like attitude - Phil 2: 5-8 2.Pride killed daily. - Phil 2: 5-8 3.Progressive value system Psalm 37:4 4.Perpetual renewal...
7 Things that Rob Our Joy
Having joy at our fingertips there are things waiting to snatch it away. How do we prevent them from doing so? 1.Disunity/discord among believers 2:2; 4:2 2.Disobedient Christian life 2:12,13 3.Grumbling or arguing 2:14 -16 4.Suffering/death of a fellow believer 2: 27...
7 Things that Give Us Joy
Anand Pillai draws out 7 things that give us joy from the book of Philippians. Christian life Ministry Answered Prayer Discipleship Gentleness Gods family ContentmentApple to John Sculley (luring him from Pepsi): "Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your...
The Life of Joy – Intro
Anand Pillai brings us a perspective of the book of Philippians that enables us to live a LIFE OF JOY. Philippians, is one of the later letters written by the apostle Paul while he was in prison, awaiting trial In spite of his situation, we see the joyous attitude of...
The A-B-C of Boy-Girl Relationships
How to maintain healthy relationships with the opposite sex. What are biblical guidelines to maintain mutual respect and honour God in these relationships?Accept Gods attitudes and view points Believe In God’s good plan and High ideals Commit yourself and your future...