7 Golden Promises for Joy
God's timeless promises are enough to bring joy to our hearts. Anand Pillai brings us 7 golden promises from the book of Philippians. 1.Positive Christ-like attitude - Phil 2: 5-8 2.Pride killed daily. - Phil 2: 5-8 3.Progressive value system Psalm 37:4 4.Perpetual...
7 Steps to Sustain Joy
Joy, unlike happiness is meant to last - through every situation. How can we sustain our joy. Anand Pillai brings us 7 steps 1.Positive Christ-like attitude - Phil 2: 5-8 2.Pride killed daily. - Phil 2: 5-8 3.Progressive value system Psalm 37:4 4.Perpetual renewal...
7 Things that Rob Our Joy
Having joy at our fingertips there are things waiting to snatch it away. How do we prevent them from doing so? 1.Disunity/discord among believers 2:2; 4:2 2.Disobedient Christian life 2:12,13 3.Grumbling or arguing 2:14 -16 4.Suffering/death of a fellow believer 2: 27...
7 Things that Give Us Joy
Anand Pillai draws out 7 things that give us joy from the book of Philippians. Christian life Ministry Answered Prayer Discipleship Gentleness Gods family ContentmentApple to John Sculley (luring him from Pepsi): "Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your...
The Life of Joy – Intro
Anand Pillai brings us a perspective of the book of Philippians that enables us to live a LIFE OF JOY. Philippians, is one of the later letters written by the apostle Paul while he was in prison, awaiting trial In spite of his situation, we see the joyous attitude of...