“Gracious Jesus” contains deep insights of the life and teachings of Jesus in the gospels. Each passage in a gospel is mapped to corresponding passages in other gospels to get the complete perspective. As this part of the bible covers the Son of God himself, small passages have deep and endless perspectives.
Matthew - God's Kingdom
Click to know moreThe book of Matthew presents Jesus as the long awaited King coming to visit and live with His people. He teaches and emulates kingdom lifestyle, values, and many more dimensions of God’s kingdom.
Mark - Christ, Chief Cornerstone
Click to know moreThe gospel of Mark represents Christ as the Chief Cornerstone of the Global Church. He constantly portrays the rejection from the “builders” – the so called creme-de-la-creme of the then Jewish spiritual leadership. The powerful responses of Christ to them are timeless teachings in a hardened world.
Luke - God's Son Seeks and Saves
Click to know moreLuke, a physician from the Gentiles brings us perspectives of God reaching out to the rest of the world. He highlights the greater plan involving non-Jews as those who can avail of all God’s promises and blessings. Many of his illustrations focus on examples of Jesus reaching out in love to Gentiles – who reach out to him.
John, Life to the Full
Click to know moreThe purpose of John’s gospel is highlighted in John 20:31 “But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God and that believing you might have life in His name”.
He plays around with various dimentions of what “faith” and “life” really mean