In Old Testament times, God interacted directly with chosen leaders. Written records did not exist in the first couple of thousand years. After that there were few written records of Scriptures as we have today.
God chose certain people (TOUCHPOINTS) and interacted with them in innumerable ways. The Old Testament has these recorded in detail. Studying these interactions will enable us to know more about God and the composition of great leaders – invaluable lessons for life.
The Old Testament in the light of the New Testament brings fabulous perspectives and deep insights into how we can live life to make impact for God. There are four major sections in this series: Patriarchs. Judges, Reign of Royalty, Prophetic Era. The sequencing has been as chronological as possible, not necessarily biblical sequencing.
May this journey through His Word be and exciting road of discovery, learning and personal transformation.
God’s Touchpoints
14 God’s Commandments
Is the Old Testament Law relevant today? Jesus says I came not to abolish the Law, but to fulfil it. He gives God’s commands a new perspective and takes it up a level higher. God gave the Israelites hundreds of instructions for the people. These were divided into...
13 Israel – Leanness of Soul
"In their hearts they turned to Egypt". In spite of being God’s chosen people, Israel suffers from the leanness of soul syndrome.We understand the meaning of: Prosperity of soul Leanness of soul To seek and enjoy true prosperity (of soul) in our lives Psalm 78 –...
12. Moses – Humble Faith
Born in Egypt, Moses is beautiful in God’s eyes. He experiences the best of worldly knowledge, power and riches as well as spiritual power and riches yet remains most humble in all the earth.We understand God’s preparation ground for Moses: In his family In the palace...
11 God’s Special interventions
We have seen God’s activity throughout Genesis. Was Jesus involved? How do we know it was Jesus? What message does He communicate on those occasions?We: Understand Christ’s role throughout the Bible Understand the significance of Christ’s special appearances in...
10. God’s Direct interventions – Genesis
God is actively participating in our lives. In Patriarchal ages and throught the Bible we see specific instances of God’s active involvement. We: Understand how proactively and actively God is involved in our lives Get a glimpse of God’s attributes Know and connect...
9. Joseph – Unwavering Faith
The touching story of Joseph inspires, as he transitions from father’s pet to second most powerful person in the world. As God is with him throughout, what looks like the end of the game, triggers his rise to fame. We: Understand God’s training ground for top leaders...
8. Jacob Compelling Faith
It is Jacob, who becomes Israel and father's/grandfather's children who represent the tribes of Israel. God deals with deception and brings out his passion and drive for the right things. We: Understand Jacob’s strong driving forces Attempt to achieve clarity on our...
7 Isaac – Gliding Faith
Isaac is “gliding” on the faith and blessings of his father. While he does carry the legacy to some extent, we do see numbness to God taking over and complacency setting in. Abraham - Soaring Faith Isaac - Gliding Faith Jacob –Compelling Faith Joseph – Unwavering...
6 Abraham – Soaring Faith
At the time God calls Abraham to father the nation Israel, civilization prospers and grows; almost all have fallen away from God. Abraham takes time to respond and build faith but eventually goes all out in faith and obedience. Background of Abraham Abraham’s Journey...
5 Job – Faith under Fire
Job enjoys close fellowship with God. Caught between a crossfire between God and Satan, he stands firm defying Satan before his proud father God and getting to see God in a new light. Objectives Job – Chronologically in the Bible Authorship of Job Job’s Disposition in...
4 The World in Confusion – Babel
After saving the world, Noah himself takes a fall. Again God steps into a godless world – this time, in a much more subdued manner. Objectives Standards falling Irony of Noah Irony of Noah Folly of Ham/ Canaan Tyranny of Nimrod Folly of Ham/ Canaan Tyranny of Nimrod...
3 From Fall to Flood
As earth’s population grow, murder, lust and evil spread their tentacles into every aspect of creation. While God saves Noah and his family, ample warnings sound out to the rest of the world. Objectives The Times First Prediction of Doom A Few Good Men Abel –...
2 Adam – A Fallen Faith
The word from God, a burst of light; the world was born. Creation, culminating with the crown of creation, Adam and Eve, was good in God’s eyes. Objectives A Perfect World Forbidden Fruit The World with Satan Pain and Suffering Woman and the Fall Satan’s Strategy...
1 Old Testament Summary
Why is the Old Testament important to us? Timothy emphasizes that “All Scripture is God-breathed.” The amazing unity of theme and purpose make it nothing less than the living word of God.We understand: The infallibility of the Scriptures Their consistency through...
18 Hannah, The Liberated Woman
While the nation of Israel continues in its state of disengagement with God, another ray of light surfaces; but not before a struggle.Childless for many years, Hannah is deeply grieved and sorely distressed. She Releases her Burden to God She Receives a Blessing from...
17 Ruth, Accountability to God
It is the faith of a foreigner Ruth that shines amidst spiritual dryness. Ruth, eventually becomes the daughter-in-law of Rahab (another foreigner) forming the godly line that Kings (including Jesus) emanate. Ruth – a background Accountability and Perception...
16 Judges – Slipping from the Promises
Israel gets too comfortable in the promised land. What dangers should we avoid when comfortable? This book gives us many lessons.We understand: The deteriorating cycle of sin and restoration in Israel and the church today The secrets of recovery and victorious living...
15 Joshua The Land of Rest
Joshua, whose name means the same as Jesus, or “The Lord is salvation”, has the privilege of leading the Israelites with Jesus, “commander in chief of God’s army” who is the true leader into the promised land. Introduction Clear Direction Deep Conviction Formidable...
26 Esther, Queen of Persia
King Cyrus permits exiled Jews to return. The remaining choose to remain in exile. It is God’s hand upon these Jews under the Persian rule that is described in this story. Read Book of Esther Background Timeline The King, Queen and Empire On God’s watch Esther, the...
25 The Legacy
True to God’s word, Solomon’s excesses and lack of alignment with God dissipate the family and soon after his death, the kingdom is headed for division.Read 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles. The Rapid Decline of the Kings God’s Warning Division Triggered Kings of...
24 A Royal Love Story – Song of Solomon
At a first glance the book looks like exchanges between lovers. At a deeper glance, it contains a wealth of wisdom from what is probably one of the last writings of the wisest king. Key players are three lovers – two men and a woman.Read book of Song of Solomon...
23 Royal Wisdom Proverbs, Ecclesiastes
King Solomon, the wisest king ever along with others known share their journey of wisdom. His quest is, however, more a reflection of failure as he realizes that worldly wisdom has cost him spiritual wisdom. The life of King Solomon The learnings of King Solomon To:...
22 Royal Verses – Psalms
Why do the wicked seem to prosper while the righteous apparently suffer? The book of Psalms provides a perspective. The first two psalms provide an essence of the entire book Objectives Introduction Psalm 1 – The Righteous vs. the Wicked Psalm 2 – Satan vs. Christ...
21 The Falls and Recoveries of David
Reaching a new high as king, David’s integrity takes a deep dive. After a shining start, he faces a sudden fall and eventually a stuttering recovery.2 Samuel, 1 Kings 1,2 Objectives A Shining Start A Stunning Fall A Stuttering Recovery Video Recap Discussion We:...
20 David’s win-win
Pursued by the king and his armies he demonstrates the boldness and faith to step out of his comfort zone and attempt reconciliation. David not only wins battles, he wins relationships!Passage: 1 Samuel 18-32 In midst of threats of death, David remains: Courageous...
19 From Sovereign God to Earthly Kings
After enjoying God as their King, Israel makes the worst, most appalling and irrecoverable mistake. They demand a king and as usual, reject God outright.Read 1 Samuel 3-17 Israel demands a King Saul has: A jump start with the Holy Spirit A poor finish with an evil...
35 Israel Restored to Receive Christ
Israel’s priests and kings crumble. Prophets are sidelined. Yet God’s all-powerful hand orchestrates the return of Israel through the hand of pagan Kings. Timelines The Jews Return Leaders Opposition God’s Faithfulness Discussion Chapter Parallel sequence of prophetic...
34 The Minor Prophets
The 12 minor (as in length of book) prophets of Israel (850 to 430 BC) warn of impending judgment with the glimmer of hope for the remnant. Timeline Summary Some “latter days” prophecies Group Book Approx. Dates Pre-exilic prophets of Israel Jonah Amos Hosea...
33 Ezekiel, the Watchman
God calls Ezekiel to be a watchman to demolish delusions,expose apostasy, awaken repentance and stimulate hope – for a restored future for Israel. Background The Watchman Through actions Through preaching The Visionary – Israel’s Future A new heart Bones to life...
32 Daniel: Visions of the Future
Daniel, while enjoying a royal life, is deeply aware that he and his people are captives due to persistent disobedience. Knowing God’s patience and power, he prays for mercy for his nation in humble repentance and receives a big picture of the future from God....
31 Daniel, Highly Esteemed by God
Touted by professionals and businessmen, the stand out quality in Daniel’s life is not the fact that he is highly esteemed by men, but highly esteemed by God.Daniel and his friends were equivalent or more than and IAS officer (or Magi in those days) in the court of...
30 Jeremiah, Jehovah Throws
Jeremiah means “Jehovah throws”. His life spans Israel’s pre-exile and exile. While he declares God’s judgment he assures that it is only for purification and unveils the hope of the Messiah. Outline and Summary Jeremiah Purified Jeremiah and the Potter Jeremiah...
29 Isaiah, the Lord has Saved
Isaiah’s name, “the Lord has saved”, reiterates the only hope of the world today – salvation through Christ. Background Fall of man Judgement Redemption The Future Prophecies Fulfilled Discussion Isaiah is the first of the four “Major prophets”. His ministry went...
28 Elijah the prophet who never died
Elijah, one of the greatest prophets had his weak moments. Deeply human as he was spiritual, he struggles head to head with one of the worst kings – Ahab. King Ahab’s tryst with prophets Elijah - best prophet vs. Ahab, worst king Dynamic Display Deep Depression Where...
27 The Early Prophets
As the lives and legacy of kings begin to degenerate irrecoverably, prophets come to the front line. Christ’s disciples are very similar to prophets with great power and a great price tag. Who is a prophet? The first prophets Prophets in the frontline Popularity...