Assurance of forgiveness

Does your past haunt you? Does guilt stop you on your tracks. You can be forgiven – completely! You can get your fresh new start!


  • What does the Bible say on Assurance of forgiveness?
  • What is the process of forgiveness?
  • What does God promise us?
  • What is our responsibility in response to God’s promise?
  • What is the devil’s strategy to block this forgiveness?
  • Is there assurance on unintentional repetition of sin?
  • Is there a warning on intentional repetition of sin, unforgiveness?
  • Discussion Questions

What the Bible Says

1 John 1 : 9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just


will forgive us our sins


purify us from all unrighteousness.”

What the Bible Says Cont’d…

What does God want us to do about our sins?

Confess our sins

What does it means to confess?

Apologizing to God for the SPECIFIC wrong/s we have done

In his act of forgiving us, how is God described?

Faithful and just.

What does God do when we confess our sins?

He forgives us for EVERYTHING and purifies us from ALL unrighteousness

Process of Forgiveness

God’s Promise





Our Responsibility

Devil’s Strategy

Reminds us of our sins

Makes us feel unworthy

Lures us to misuse God’s forgiveness and deliberately repeat sin

Helps rationalize when we do not want to forgive others

Let’s not give any room for him to attack our faith.

What is the result of men’s sinfulness?

If we continue to sin UNINTENTIONALLY after repentance

If we continue to sin INTENTIONALLY after repentance

If we fail to forgive even one person


  • What are some means by which Satan puts us on a guilt trip?
  • How does God address repeat errors?
  • What are some difficulties about forgiving others?
  • What is our responsibility in response to God’s promise?
  • What is the devil’s strategy to block this forgiveness?
  • In what situations is it difficult to forgive others?
  • What should be our response in each of these situations?

Let’s Receive Forgiveness Through Confession

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