by Bella Pillai | Apr 1, 2023 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Winners and Losers, Winning Others Over
True Forgiveness What is the limit of forgiveness? Overview Jesus indicates that there is no limit to forgiveness. He then tells them a story The debt The redeemer The redemption The debtor True Forgiveness: Is eternally grateful to the Redeemer Initiates...
by Bella Pillai | Mar 25, 2023 | Gracious Jesus, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Winning Others Over
Restoration from sin in the church Dealing with sin in others is always sensitive, particularly as we are all sinners. However, Jesus provides a winning formula to do it in a manner which is effective and focussed on saving the person under consideration. Overview...
by Bella Pillai | Mar 17, 2023 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, The Price of Seeking, Winning Others Over
Restoring the Lost Jesus highlights the value of every single soul to Him and encourages us to hold the same value for every soul. Overview Recognize their value Rescue them Reinstate them to safety Retain them in the fold Bible Passage Matt 18.10-14; Luke 15.1-7;...
by Bella Pillai | Mar 4, 2023 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Surmounting Dark Powers, Winners and Losers, Winning Others Over
Dealing with Obstacles A statement like “if your hand causes you to sin cut it off” causes on to sit up. Does Jesus really mean it? On deeper reflection, we need to ask ourselves what is causing us to sin and what should we cut off. Overview The Stumbling Blocks Our...
by Bella Pillai | Mar 4, 2023 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Surmounting Dark Powers, Tough Decisions, Winning Others Over
The Greatness of a Child As the reality of the Messiah becomes more and more evident to the disciples, their attention turns, not to service but greatness. Jesus then explains what greatness truly means in the Kingdom of Heaven demonstrating the example of a child....
by Bella Pillai | Feb 21, 2023 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Rejected by the builders, Tough Decisions, Winning Others Over
The Coin in the Fish When Jesus asks Peter to take the coin out of the fish’s mouth, it signifies something huge for the Roman world. It also demonstrates Jesus’ respect to the authorities even when He was the highest authority. Overview Historical context...