by Bella Pillai | Jan 28, 2020 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Restoration and rest, Servant Leadership, The Chosen and Called
Sabbath Love JJesus demonstrates in His unique way that Sabbath is all about love and healing. He shows kindness by continuing to patiently teach the hard hearted Pharisees trying to destroy Him. He shows kindness by healing and bringing new life to an unfortunate...
by Bella Pillai | Jan 28, 2020 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Restoration and rest, Servant Leadership, The Chosen and Called
Mercy versus Ceremony Jesus beautifully highlights the importance of applying mercy to the rules, regulations and ceremonies followed. The law was meant to help, not hamper; to reach out in mercy, not merely ceremony. Overview Bible passages: Matt 12:1-8; Mark 2.23-28...
by Bella Pillai | Oct 27, 2019 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Restoration and rest, The Chosen and Called, The King Commissions
The First Commission Jesus empowers His disciples with great spiritual authority and power to reach the lost sheep of Israel. They go out with nothing other than Gods’ power and spirit in them. They go out in faith with no material resources. They depend on God to...
by Bella Pillai | Oct 26, 2019 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Restoration and rest, The Chosen and Called, The King Calls
New Patches on Old Patching up our old life with new behaviors doesn’t really change us. Our life has to be transformed from within for lasting effect and impact. This can only happen by yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit within our lives. New Patches on Old...
by Bella Pillai | Oct 26, 2019 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Restoration and rest, The Chosen and Called, The King Calls
Jesus Calls Matthew Jesus’ call to Matthew followed by his instant and swift response gives us much to learn on following Jesus. He was ready to leave everything immediately and follow. He seals his choice with a celebration feast to introduce all his friends to...
by Bella Pillai | Oct 26, 2019 | Gracious Jesus, Luke: The Son of Man, Seeks and Saves, Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone, Matthew – God’s Kingdom, Restoration and rest, The Chosen and Called, The King Calls
The Lame Walk He was determined to get through to Jesus even if it meant breaking a roof. Jesus in return makes healing incidental and assures him forgiveness of sins. Jesus proves He is far more than just a prophet or healer. He is the Messiah. The Lame Walk...